Self Image: Reason behind sadness

Yes! I know most of the readers will think why I’m writing a blog on a topic like this which isn’t related to lifestyle and modelling. But its not true, self image and self respect is really a important part one should have for a peaceful and happy life. And I also know some people will support my views and some may not, but I’m gonna share my views for the betterment of the society and people’s views about “self”.

So first of all I want to tell what self image exactly is. Self image is how you think about and view yourself in respect of your abilities, appearance, and personality. I also want to discuss about self respect, it is the pride and confidence you have about yourself and the courage to stand up for self. And these are the two things people are lacking or having them in excess. And we have to understand lack and excess of anything is harmful. Even I also had faced the same problem, lack of self image, so I’m discussing as many people face this problem.

Most of the people mix up these two terms ‘self respect’ and ‘self image’ and even their decisions also gets messed up with their emotions and sadness. I want to tell you the reality, “When somebody say you something and you change yourself because of that, that wasn’t because of self respect, that was because of self image.” Lack of self image made us feel inferior and we think we have to change as other people told us. Think again, why we have to change ourselves as other people told us to.

Like for example which is most common, somebody say us fat, or slim, or any bad comment on our personality or appearance, we get hurt and try to change ourself and we think that bad comments hurt our self respect that’s why we wanna change. No, it is nothing like that, its not because of self respect gets hurt, it is more because of lacking of self image.

Yeah, I know its good if you try to develop your personality and appearance like fat to fit, etc., but not for others, for ourselves we should do this. First we have to love ourselves as we are no matters what other people think about us, we should be happy with ourselves and feel nice within heart about self. And then if you feel about any changes or development, then you must do it and made yourself even more happier by achieving your goals. Now I think you understand the difference between self respect and self image.

So at last I want to say that try to develop a good impression about self within means a nice and decent self image. After that your self respect also grow automatically in a better way. And the result of growing a nice and decent self image and self respect is happiness and peace within your life.

Thank you for reading the whole post and I hope this post will help you in growing your inner peace. And as this is the first post of 2020, may this year brings you joy, peace and development. Lots of love for my readers.

CONTENT BY: Kunal Singh Bhati (@thydeepest)

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