Sesa Ayurvedic: Hair Vitaliser for Men

Hello guys, Hope you all are doing well. From childhood we're listening 'Health is Wealth" and now this hard situation of covid-19 made us believe why it is said so. So guys take proper care of yourself and your family and stay healthy and safe. In this lockdown period we have a lot of time … Continue reading Sesa Ayurvedic: Hair Vitaliser for Men

Remush: An exciting video creating app

Hello fam, Writing a blog after a long time and having a great reason to write and bring it for you. It is about an app which is India's creation for video creation. Remush, was launched on 3rd July 2020 upon Prime Minister's call for "Vocal for Local". It is made in India and made … Continue reading Remush: An exciting video creating app

Trendy Traditional: Nehru Look with personal touch

India, country of hearts. A big and diverse country with many cultures, religions, languages, food, traditions and all. But so much of unity people of India have. They are the true example of one country, one family. Many festivals are celebrated in India in a year. Traditional outfit are the foremost love for any festival … Continue reading Trendy Traditional: Nehru Look with personal touch


Hello, I'm Kunal Singh Bhati from Jaipur, Rajasthan. I had completed my schooling in the year 2018 and now I'm pursuing my college from Jaipur only. I'm professionally a Cricketer and started with my Modelling career also. I have a keen interest in commercial modelling, so practicing for developing self as a nice brand face … Continue reading About